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Richard Balet
Written by Richard Balet

Your critical path and your planning

Understand your planning

The timeline of Sinnaps or "Ganttflow" (This is what we call it) is an improved variation of the classic Gantt chart. Unlike the traditional Gantt chart, the vertical order of activities in our Ganttflow indicates how critical that activity is. That is why, the higher an activity is placed, the more critical it is for your planning. To calculate the critical path, Sinnaps takes into account the duration, the dependencies between all the activities, and date constrains that you could have defined in the planning.

If you are not that familiar with how Sinnaps works around your critichal path, check this video. María will explain in just about two minutes.

How do I detect the critical path in my time line?

As you can see in the planning, the top line of activities is always painted over a text that says "Critical Path".

Each time a change is made in your timeline, Sinnaps automatically calculates your critical path and repositions activities accordingly. Therefore, your critical path will always be positioned on the top line of your schedule.

But in addition to that, Sinnaps also prioritizes the rest of activities vertically. This means that the higher an activity is positioned, the more impact it will have on your critical path. And consequently, you will have a smaller slack (also known as float).

In this vídeo María will show you what is the activity slack in just under two minutes.
