Just ask

Javier Alcubierre
Written by Javier Alcubierre

Reassign a resource

Reassign work between users

One of the key aspects of project management is being able to manage your resources in a flexible and fast way.

Sinnaps allows you to re-assign work between "person type" resources. If for example, a team member quits a project, you can re-assign his/her project workload to another team member. Also, if for example you want to assign work to a generic resource that is not linked to a team member, you can after reassign it to a specific user onces he joins the project.

Let's check out four different circumstances in which reassigning a resource can be very useful.

Have in mind that when you reassign the workload of a resource to another resource, the properties of the resources will not be affected such as prize or name. Only the assigned workload will be modified.

Important stuff to know

  • You can only reassign resources between "person" type resources. 
  • Only Project managers can perform this functionality
  • Changes will be applied to all affected activities in the entire project.

When reassigning work between different team members 

This could happen when for example there is a new team member in your team. Or if someone has to leave the project and you need to reassign he's work to someone else. For this situation its best if you do it from the team management board.

Access the team management panel and click on the dotted menu option on the right side of the user whose work you want to reassign.

When you do so, a menu will pop out with two different options. Here you can choose if you want to reassign work FROM a user or TO a user. When you do so, all the workload of one resource will be ADDED to the workload of the other one. 

When reassigning work from a person type resource to a team member 

If you don't want to assign workload to team members because your team is not decided, if they have not yet accepted the invite to your project, or if you simply don't want to distract them with lots of notifications every time you assign them a bit of work, you can first create generic "Person" type resources (such as programmer, or department A) and then reassign them to real users. 

To do this, you first need to create the resource to represent that generic person or department. Make sure you select the "it is a person" option. 

Once you've done that you can simply plan your project resources and then assign them to that resource. 

When the real user has accepted the invitation to the project, or whenever you are ready to reassign the planned resource to a team member, go to any activity where the generic resource has been planned. 

Note: Be aware that despite the change is being done from one activity, it will affect all activities in the project that contain that resource.

Go to the resource area in the activity and press on the dotted menu option in the right side of the resource. 

Select the option "Assign the work of XXX to " When you select this option a new menu will display all "Person type" resources in the project. 

Select the person type resource that you want to reassign the work TO.

After a double confirmation, all the work will have been reassigned.

NOTE: You can also do this from the team management area in your project

When starting a project from a template

Whenever you start a new project from a template, all the planned activities and resources of the template will be loaded into a new project. 

Onces the template is adjusted to our project needs and the team members have already accepted our invites, we can then reassign the workload from generic resources such as "programmer or department" to real team members. 

The best way to do this is from the team management area as described previously in this article. However in this case we will need to select the option 

Assign to "team member name" the work from "generic resource".

When turning a project into a template

Templates are designed to be reused in multiple projects and for this reason, resources associated to users can not be added to templates. This is why whenever you want to turn a project into a template, you first need to reassign the work from real users to other generic "Person" type resources that are not associated to team members. Such as "Department A", "Programmer" or "Supplier XXX" 

For doing this first make sure that your other generic resources have been created. Make sure you create them with the "this is a person" option selected and you add a generic prize and name. Easy to understand whenever you are reassigning the resource. 

When the generic resources have been created, go to the team management area in the lower area of your project.

Select the resource that you want to reassign FROM nad click on the dotted menu on the right side of the resource.

Select the option "Reassign the work of "Team member name" to "new generic resource" .

Important stuff to know

  • You can only reassign resources between "person" type resources. 
  • Only Project managers can perform this functionality
  • Changes will be applied to all affected activities in the entire project.